This is an ongoing series of articles and essays with subjects including art, performance and culture.
This is an ongoing series of articles and essays with subjects including art, performance and culture.
I am foraging in a densely tangled thicket of vaguely connected thoughts for a theme to write about, and unwittingly, I stumble across my own predilection for secret places, which I have imbued with a heightened, special significance in memory that is partially true or completely reinvented.
An article of various related and unrelated subjects that may only evince meaning after several determined attempts at reading.
Being a series of unrelated and quite disparate subjects for the student of the obscure.
Being some meditations on memorable canteen medals, banned comics, art dealers, and other diversions of an amusing and entertaining manner.
Magazine article published in Mobile 3, November 2014. With inserts by Andrew Cochrane.
King of the Palms – The Grand Hotel et des Palmes Palermo, September 2014: my sojourn in Sicily for a week commenced in an air conditioned communion with the spirits of the former guests of this once ostentatious hotel, whose …
In exploring the grotesque I am encountering new epiphanies in photographs found online or in obsolete books. The selective eye screens thousands, hundreds of thousands of images before, like a fly it settles on something choice to feed upon and …
Whilst visiting Rome I stumbled across a curious painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch called ‘The Conjourer’ (c.1475-80) in an extraordinary exhibition, tucked away in a 16th century palazzo just a few streets from the Pantheon. There are at …
As with early hand tinted cinema films, certain sections of a performance may appear in ethereal colours, augmented by ultra violet light, or accentuated by mutlicoloured shadow play. The initial effect is as fleeting and arbitrary as it is accidental; …
Notes from the Zone: Towards a new barbarism of expression. Some notes about prehistoric art objects, images and notions about shamanism/performance art.